The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) is structured along thematic areas
which inform the programs undertaken in 2019. These are Research and Knowledge Management;
Complaints Handling and Investigations; Healing, Reconciliation and Rehabilitation; Victim
Support Gender and Diversity, and Prevention and Non-Recurrence with support departments
namely Finance, Administration and Human Resources; Media and Communications; Legal
Services; Audit, Information, Communication and Technology and Monitoring and Evaluation.
The activities conducted under each of the programs in the reporting year are outlined in the report;
suffice to note that the work was aimed at achieving the strategic outcomes of; enabled processes
and frameworks for addressing legacies of violent conflicts through inclusive healing efforts; a
positive and legal environment for peace; improved architecture for conflict prevention at national
and subnational levels; and enhanced national capacities for sustaining peace, healing and
You can download the full report here: NPRC 2019 Annual Report
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