Commissioner Dr Tinashe Rukuni
Dr. Tinashe Rukuni studied for his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Public Administration specializing in Peace Studies with the Durban University of Technology (2019). His Thesis was on Transforming post-conflict relationships via peace gardens in Masvingo; Zimbabwe. He also hold the following qualifications; a Master of Science degree in Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution from the Zimbabwe Open University (2012), a Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of Zimbabwe (2003), a Post-Graduate Certificate of Proficiency in Peace, Leadership and Conflict Transformation from the National University of Science and Technology (2014) and a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Africa University (1997).
Dr Rukuni is a peacebuilding and conflict resolution expert whose passion in the field dates back to the early 1990s. His areas of interest include conflict prevention, use of local intervention strategies and infrastructures for peace in resolving conflicts, post-conflict transformation and the use of nonviolence in resolving conflicts. He carried out his action research study in Masvingo province where he encouraged local communities to use the “peace gardening” model as a tool for transforming post-conflict relationships. He has published in key peacebuilding and gender related issues, including the role of traditional leadership in peacebuilding, the role of religion in peacebuilding, the efficacy of community peacebuilding in African communities, the role of the youth in peacebuilding, the role of women in peacebuilding and decision making processes and the use of narrative therapy in peacebuilding among his other publications. He served as a high school teacher for eighteen years in Bikita district where he taught Divinity and History and was renowned for introducing the concept of “peace clubs” in secondary schools. Upon his appointment as a Commissioner in the NPRC, Dr Rukuni was a full-time lecturer and programme coordinator at Great Zimbabwe University in the Peace and Security programme. He was also a part-time tutor in the Peace programme with the Zimbabwe Open University (Masvingo Regional Campus). He has voluntary placement experiences with Plan International Mutare, Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (Masvingo Diocese) and the International Centre for Nonviolence (Durban). He is the Founder and Director of the Zimbabwe Peace Gardening Trust which specializes in peacebuilding, community empowerment, mediation and Alternative to Violence projects. He is a member of Peace Direct.
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