The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) is constitutionally mandated to develop mechanisms to proactively deal with potential conflicts and disputes. Constitutional function Section 252(g), specifically requires for the Commission to develop mechanisms for early detection of areas of potential conflicts and disputes, and to take appropriate preventive measures to dispose of the conflicts. The Commission’s five year strategy (2018-2022) also prioritizes the need to ensure that ´Mechanisms for early detection of areas of potential conflicts and disputes [are] established and operationalised to prevent their escalation into violence.’ The Commission thus intends to set up a Zimbabwe Conflict Early Warning and Early Response system which will help to inform coordinated capturing and initiating national responses to conflicts.
NPRC, in setting up the CEWER system seeks to achieve the following objectives:
a) To detect areas or hotspots of potential conflicts and mobilize for timely response before the occurrence of the conflicts;
b) To empower individuals and communities threatened by peace and security threats to act in sufficient time and in an appropriate manner so as to reduce the possibility of violence;
c) To promote a shared assessment of conflict risks and stimulate timely relevant and coherent response to prevent the emergence, re-emergence or escalation of violence;
d) To enhance collaboration and coordination proceedings between authorities and the population in order to share information and align response capability at the time of receiving an early warning.
In view of the need to integrate CEWER responses at state and non-state levels, multi-disciplinary support structures will be activated to deal with specific sector interests. The following clusters have been proposed:
a) Elections cluster
b) Socio-Economic cluster
c) Sexual and Gender Based Violence cluster
d) Natural resources cluster
e) Media cluster
Interested organizations and individuals who wish to support the Commission’s processes in setting up the CEWER system are invited to send a one page motivation note indicating their preferred cluster, the related work they are doing and the details of the person(s) they wish to second to work with the Commission. Details should be submitted through electronic mail to and copied to on or before 21 August 2020.