The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission is recruiting the under listed vacant posts for both Harare and Bulawayo Offices. Qualified and Experienced persons are invited to apply. Suitably qualified and experienced women,, youth and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Post (s) Location Deadline 1 x General Manager Finance Harare 2 November 2020 1 x General Manager Human Resources and Administration Harare 2 November 2020 1 x Regional Coordinating Manager Bulawayo 2 November 2020 1 x Regional Coordinating Officer...
Monday, October 26, 2020
The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) is structured along thematic areas which inform the programs undertaken in 2019. These are Research and Knowledge Management; Complaints Handling and Investigations; Healing, Reconciliation and Rehabilitation; Victim Support Gender and Diversity, and Prevention and Non-Recurrence with support departments namely Finance, Administration and Human Resources; Media and Communications; Legal Services; Audit, Information, Communication and Technology and Monitoring and Evaluation. The activities conducted under each of the programs in the reporting year are outlined in...
Friday, October 23, 2020
The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) is one of the five Independent Commissions supporting democracy. It was established in terms of Chapter 12, Part 6, and Section 251 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013. It was operationalised through the promulgation of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission, Act (Chapter 10:32). This is the Inaugural Annual Report of the NPRC for the year 2018. You can download the full copy here: 2018 NPRC Annual Report
Monday, September 21, 2020
The world commemorates International Day of Peace on Monday, the 21st of September 2020, under the theme ‘Shaping Peace Together’. On the 30th of November 1981, the United Nations General Assembly resolved to establish the International Day of Peace, initially set to be observed every third Tuesday of September each year. Two decades later in 2001, the 21st of September was designated as the day to commemorate the call for global harmony, strengthening the ideals of peace and non-violence, alleviation...
Monday, August 17, 2020
BACKGROUND The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) is constitutionally mandated to develop mechanisms to proactively deal with potential conflicts and disputes. Constitutional function Section 252(g), specifically requires for the Commission to develop mechanisms for early detection of areas of potential conflicts and disputes, and to take appropriate preventive measures to dispose of the conflicts. The Commission’s five year strategy (2018-2022) also prioritizes the need to ensure that ´Mechanisms for early detection of areas of potential conflicts and disputes [are]...
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Complaints Handling and Investigations The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) is mandated to receive and investigate complaints from the public in instances where conflicts arise as a result of human rights violations as provided for in section 252(f) of the Constitution and section 3(2)(a) of the NPRC Act [Chapter 10:32]. Who may lodge a complaint with the NPRC? Section 8(1) (2) of the NPRC Act as read with section 18(1) of the NPRC Regulations, SI 90/2018 provides that...
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Background The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) is constitutionally mandated to develop mechanisms for early detection of areas of potential conflicts and disputes, and to take appropriate preventive measures. Considering this, the Commission has taken steps to set up a Conflict Early Warning and Early Response (CEWER) system which will help to inform coordinated national responses to conflicts. As the Commission takes strategic steps towards the development, operationalization and institutionalization of the system as a tool to support effective...
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Background The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) is constitutionally mandated to develop mechanisms for early detection of areas of potential conflicts and disputes, and to take appropriate preventive measures. Considering this, the Commission has taken steps to set up a Conflict Early Warning and Early Response (CEWER) system which will help to inform coordinated national responses to conflicts. As the Commission takes strategic steps towards the development, operationalization and institutionalization of the system as a tool to support effective...
Monday, July 27, 2020
The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission is meeting with the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and the Thematic Committee on Human Rights to reflect on its programs in 2019. "Peace is not a result of the end of conflict. The victors and the victims must experience peace after the end of conflict. To be soldiers of reconciliation and peace... we must seek human and social justice for all." By Hon Advocate J.F. Mudenda, Speaker of the...